Friday, April 5, 2013

Mugs Spring Eternal

"Aw, now what, Grandpa?"
Even Polident comes with those theft sensors.
 At what age should adults stop wearing shirts with cartoon characters?
I said, keep a stiff UPPER lip.
 Well, she's got the right shirt for where she's going.
 I always knew that Eddie Munster was up to no good.
A graduate from the Diana Ross School of Makeup.
And he was the winner......
 Sadly, he probably wanted his hair to look like this.
Somebody apparently did.
 Strangely, he was arresting for possessing a knife.
Held up a tanning salon.  Or maybe he robbed CVS for some Coppertone.

Dinner last night:  Fusilli with shrimp at Chaya Venice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sleeping during your mug shot. What a life you're having.