Thursday, October 20, 2022

Don't Let This Happen To You


This horror show is John Fetterman and he could be the next senator from the state of Pennsylvania.   The fact that he's already getting votes makes me never want to step into that state ever again.   How the hell could any voter in their right mind elect this creature?  I mean, he looks like somebody you might encounter in a correctional facility.   The guy you don't want to run afoul of.   Or the dude you don't want to be in the shower with.

Only in America could somebody like this be a candidate for election to anything.  Let's look at the credentials, shall we?

He's 53 and has never really established a career, thanks to parents who were rich.

He became mayor of some small town named Braddock which essentially died until his tenure.

He's pro-weed and pro-letting murderers out of prison.

You never see him without a hoodie on, likely covering a lot of tattoos.

Oh, and did we tell you he had a stroke a number of months ago and can't state a thought without reading a teleprompter?

Of course, what party could he possibly be associated with but the Democrats?

He's ahead in some polls and that's largely because the Republican candidate ain't the strongest.   That would be Dr. Mehmet Oz who got his start diagnosing the common cold on Oprah Winfrey's old gabfest.  Now that's hardly a resume but, compared to this lunkhead, Dr. Oz looks like Abe Lincoln.

If this guy were on the Republican ticket, he'd be lambasted from Pittsburgh to Scranton.   But, because he's a radical kook, he's Senate material.

Keep an eye on what happens with this guy on Election Day.   If he wins, I will leave room for you and the rest of America in my personal rabbit hole.

Dinner last night:  Had a big lunch so just a sandwich.

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