Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Morons of the Month - October 2018

Hmmm, I don't know where to start.   First off, this moronic designation was actually last week in the month of September.   But the lunacy has continued right into October.

This one hit home hard.   In one or two cases, it might be relationship-altering.   
And it all started so innocently.

I guess you would have to be living in a cave to not know about the frenzy surrounding the latest Supreme Court nomination.  I will tell you that, as America divides even more fatally, I don't have a dog in this hunt.   To me, the Supreme Court of the United States of America has become virtually irrelevant.  The concept of SCROTUS (how aptly close is that to the word "scrotum?") works in theory, but, like everything in this once great nation, it has been destroyed by the bozos in the Democratic and Republican parties.  They are, as yet, unofficial murderers of the American dream.   

Ever since the gimpy FDR tried to stack the courts to his own political liking, the highest court in the land has turned into this nonsensical power game with two feuding ideologies---neither one of which I subscribe to.   

I've written this here before.  In Len's world, there are nine justices, but only eight can be appointed by the President.   The ninth is the tiebreaker and elected every six years in a national election.  That, at least, gives the population the chance to have a say.   At this point, I have zero representation in either the Senate or the House.   

And we ditch the lifetime status of a justice.   Nope, there are term limits of no more than ten years.   And mandatory retirement at the age of 75.   Yes, I'm talking about you and the Depends you are wearing under your robe, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

That solves it all and negates travesties every time some justice quits or dies with his or her face in the soup.

That's all a long way in saying I virtually ignored the goings on with Kavanaugh and his alleged sex shenanigans back when Reagan was still coherent in the White House.   I had more important work to do.  

But I did see the above photo on-line and couldn't help but go for a social media laugh.   And, along with the picture, here's the caption I placed on Facebook and Instagram.

"My nagging question is how much money did Coca Cola pay for this nifty product placement?"

Harmless, right?   Apolitical, correct?

That's what I thought.  My mistake was adding a reply to a friend's follow-up.

"I'm not watching this.   The only comedy I want to see today is Murphy Brown."

Okay, that was a little more pointed.   But I wasn't screaming at the top of my lungs "Yay, Dr. Ford" or "Yay, Brett Kavanaugh."

Regardless, I was attacked by alleged friends.   Indeed, last Thursday, I could actually notice exhaust fumes coming out of Facebook.  The nasty vitriole was on both sides, but 75% of it came from the liberals.   Those are the two who scolded me for referring to this crap as comedy.   This is serious business, I was admonished.   America's future hangs in the balance.   People will die if this Kavanaugh guy is confirmed.

How did I wind up with some moronia on my friends' list?

Do they really think that major rulings and laws will automatically be revoked if the balance of power changes on SCROTUS?  Nothing ever happens overnight or overdecade in the US.   That's what so special about our country?  The legal system can grind everything to a complete halt for long periods of time.   Come on, folks.

I was hurt by the scolding I received and I have lost a little bit of respect for the two friends who went after my harmless joke.

And that resulted in me doing something I was not proud of.  I caved and took down the post.

Maybe the real moron this month is...gasp...me.

Dinner last night:  Leftover ribs and risotto.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well stated and thoughtful post. SCOTUS is sadly political and their selection extremely so. The recent proceedings have been over the top and undermines the dignity of the position. Sadly we as a nation overcorrect for social injustices.