Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Saturday Night Corpse

Like rats to a garbage dump, anti-Trumpers have been gravitating to SNL the past two years.   As a result, people have been saying that the NBC comedy show has never been better.   Brilliance as it brings our nation together.


I am proud to say that I have pretty much avoided Saturday Night Live for the past five years.   Eons before Trump fired off his first White House tweet, I wrote off this television shit hole.   And, just so you know, it's tougher to avoid the show out on the West Coast where they air it twice.   But I have successfully done so.  For me, the initials SNL stand for "Sleep Never Lost."

Okay, that's not to say I haven't checked into the first sketch now and then.  Of course, it's always carved right from the headlines of the week as you see in the photo above.   You just knew that last week's show would open with a riff on Kanye West and Trump as played by that 300-pound malignant tumor called Alec Baldwin.   Was it funny?  Hell, no.   And then the show goes downhill so fast that it could set Olympic speed records.

The sad thing is that, for many dopey millennials, SNL is the only news they get so they actually believe what they see in a comedy sketch as truth.   There's no balance whatsoever.   Lord, Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi would be wonderful comic characters on SNL.   Have you seen them depicted?  How about somebody playing Alec Baldwin beating the shit out of some photographer?  I wish they would do these sketches.  They haven't.  Instead, we get that numbskull Matt Damon as Brett Kavanaugh and the senile Robert DeNiro playing anybody else they can find.   What should be a wonderful snapshot of satire in America is nothing but rubbish.

Sad to say, I remember when that wasn't the case.   I can recall when SNL actually breathed new ground in comedy.   Can you tell me the last time there was a surefire breakout comic character or bit on SNL?   Where's Emily Litella?  Or Wayne's World?  Or the Church Lady?  Or Molly Shannon as the Catholic school girl?  All funny.  All a distant memory.

Of course, all of the current fecal matters come from producer Lorne Michaels, the bloated creator who has had a creative thought in his head since Gilda Radner died.  Somehow, Michaels has turned this into a Civil Service job.   The fact that NBC pays him money for this dreck is the real criminal activity that warrants a special investigative committee.

Let's face it, this show has been phoning it in for years.   When was the last time there was a guest host who wasn't promoting the hot movie that was opening that weekend?  When was the last time any of the mediocre actors didn't spend ninety minutes reading cue cards for the one sketch they appear in?  When was the last time I laughed...ever?

SNL has been around since 1975.  It used to have its finger on the comedic pulse of America.   Now it's time to check to see if there is any trace of a clever heart beat.  I think not.

Will somebody please call the time of death?

Dinner last night:  BLT sandwich at Cafe 50s Diner.

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