Saturday, March 24, 2007

Giuliani Time

As per usual, I passed my crosscountry time yesterday by entering my mile-high multiplex---my Panasonic portable DVD player equipped with Bose headphones.

I had netflixed a documentary called "Giuliani Time." So, that was my Flight 114 pop-in.

I realize that most political documentaries are about half-accurate. Al Gore's Powerpoint presentation translated to film "An Inconvenient Truth" was interesting, but I understand that it has more holes than the ozone layer he is so worried about. And, of course, Michael Moore essentially edits and restages facts to get his points across.

So, with those grains of salt, I consider "Giuliani Time." If you believe the documentary per se, Rudy's tenure as NYC mayor was besotted with bigotry, scandal, police brutality, censorship, and blatant lies. The twist at the end is that he becomes the ultimate hero for his leadership on 9/11 and the days thereafter. And that is how he is perceived nationally.

So, now if you believe the polls, that one day has propelled him into being one of the most formidable candidates for the top job in 2008. That just goes to show that people only pay attention to news on the surface and don't really educate themselves on the issues. Do I believe that Giuliani is as much of a villain as these documentarians made him out to be? No. But, I am betting there are some kernels of truth in that can of urban corn.

As for me, I don't like him because he's a Yankee fan.

Dinner last night: some supermarket prepped food---a pork chop and German Potato Salad. You can't get the latter in Los Angeles.

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