Saturday, September 6, 2008

Politically Incorrect Hollywood Squares

Back when you could say these things on TV and not worry about it...

Peter Marshall: Can Jewish boys get into Boys' Town.
David Brenner: No, but we can own it.

Peter Marshall: According to Apartment Life magazine, can you tell anything significant about the personality of a person whose apartment has brown carpeting, brown furniture and brown walls?
Paul Lynde: Yes, their maid just exploded.

Peter Marshall: According to police, if you are being molested, other than yelling "Help!" what is the best thing to scream?
Rose Marie (clapping): "More!"

Peter Marshall: True or false...most personal physical attacks are never reported to police.
Rose Marie: No, I just put them in my diary.

Peter Marshall: True or false...most African soccer teams have their own witch doctor.
Redd Foxx: That's true...and their motto is, "If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em."

Peter Marshall: You're eating chicken, and you notice the bones are very dark. What does that tell you about the chicken?
David Steinberg: At one time, the chicken had rhythm...

Peter Marshall: Famed Doctor Theodore Rubin was asked recently, "What causes prejudice?" He said "I'll answer in one word." What word was it?
Paul Lynde: Puerto Ricans.

Peter Marshall: To the people of Italy, what is "the poe"?
Paul Lynde: The opposite of "the rich."

Peter Marshall: In ancient times, after a battle, the losers would present the winners with a handful of grass. What did this symbolize?
Paul Lynde: The losers were Mexican!

Peter Marshall: True or Egypt, they grow a special kind of cotton that is multi-colored.
Paul Lynde: And white people have to pick it!

Peter Marshall: Paul, when the citizens of China want a drink of water, they usually do something to it first. What?
Paul Lynde: Remove the shirts.

Peter Marshall: Paul, at the end of the movie Planet of the Apes, what does Charlton Heston see that makes him realize that he is actually in New York City?Paul Lynde: A Puerto Rican.

Peter Marshall: Flip Wilson has said that he's eaten about 2,000 of them and enjoyed them immensely. To what was he referring?
Paul Lynde: Missionaries.

Peter Marshall: According to The Book of Fairies , who is that creature who stands 14 inches tall, is 400 years old, and is dressed all in Lincoln green?
Paul Lynde: The Emperor Hirohito.

Peter Marshall: Paul, where at any one time will you find one quarter of the earth's population?
Paul Lynde: Crossing the Rio Grande.

Peter Marshall: Can you cross a pumpkin with a watermelon?
George Gobel: Yeah, but you're gonna end up with a jack-o-lantern with an afro.

Peter Marshall: You are married in India. How did you probably meet your spouse?
Paul Lynde: We were fighting over a lima bean.

Peter Marshall: The average child in China learns how to do it at age three. The average child in America never learns. What?
Paul Lynde: Oh, how to pull a rickshaw.

Dinner last night: Dodger Dog at the game.


Anonymous said...

When games shows were fun.

Political correctness has done more damage to humor than anything else. Witness these great punchlines broadcast on network TV.

Anonymous said...

I remember Lynde's comment about the end of Planet of the Apes. Amid audience laughter, Peter Marshall said "The mail will flow, the mail will flow."