Thursday, May 21, 2015


I try not to watch the news.   It is depressing and stilted and, frankly, you don't get a unbiased or balanced view of anything.  Forget whatever news channel you're on.  It's got an opinion attached, whether you know it or not.  When you deal with journalism in America today, it's a great history lesson.  You understand exactly how Adolf Hitler came into power.

But, of late, there have been some stories that are real head scratchers.   And you wonder just how far down this once great nation has been flushed.  The kind of ridiculousness that just makes you ask...

How is it possible that 170 bikers got arrested in Waco, Texas?  Don't get me wrong.  A clown on a motorcycle being thrown into a jail for a few days certainly gets no argument for me.  Hey, I'm somebody who's watched a biker ride past a car on the freeway and rip off a rear view mirror or two.  

But the real craziness with this tale is...are there even enough policemen in Waco, Texas to handle all this paperwork?  Think of the bail bondsman in town who just hit the mother lode.  

"Hey, Honey, I've got to work late.  I'm processing bail for 170 people."

Oh, sure.

Of course, I'm just happy to read about police arresting anybody these days.  Especially when you have buffoons like Michael Moore who think that cops across America shouldn't even have guns.


Okay, even Stevie Wonder could spot these clues.  Hell, if even the New York Times will print that Hillary Clinton has violated government rules with regard to her e-mails while Secretary of State, then you know there is a serious problem.  

So she uses an unsecure server and address to do government business.  Oh, and 30,000 e-mails disappear or get deleted from the server in her home that I imagine is on the kitchen counter next to Bill's high tech Keurig machine.  But there is nothing to see here.  Or so she says.

Come on, folks.  This is a woman who has had her panties pulled down more than a stripper at a bachelor party.  And, yet, she is still considered the one to beat for President in 2016.  

And let's ignore the age-old slap in the face to women all across America when she inexplicably stayed with her husband when he had his own underwear pulled down in Macy's Herald Square window.  What kind of message is that to send?

But, yet, she has still tons of fans.  Especially the Gruesome Twosome in my gym.  Those two magpies that I have written about here before.  Their view of all these major indiscretions from Hrod17?

"All made up.  A right wing conspiracy."

And speaking of journalists you can't believe on TV.  How about this shrimp?  George Stephanopoulos who really is an elf looking for a Keebler factory.  He sits on ABC and tells you all the news you need to hear.  Well, at least, from his own viewpoint.  

There's been a lot of controversy with misappropriations handled by the Clinton Global foundation.  The Clintons, who allegedly were broke when they left the White House, have somehow become billionaires in the 15 years since they left Washington, DC.   By the way, with all that dough, they certainly could have invested in Carbonite to back up all those e-mail files, but I digress.  

In the middle of all this moolah is George, who is entrusted by a major news organization to deliver the balanced message to us.  But, he's a donor to said foundation.  He sits on their board.  And, apparently announces on the air that there's no chicanery going on when everybody including God knows there is.

Come on, folks.

Of course, George owes his entire life and career to the Clintons since he was Bill's campaign manager back when he was just a few years older than Beaver Cleaver.  So, anything he says about the 2016 Presidential campaign is incredibly suspect.  

Stick to the news, George.  Oh, and do some real inside reporting.  For instance, how about an update on Chelsea's father-in-law?   Is that crooked politician out of jail yet?

When will we be completely rid of Al Sharpton?  What the hell has this load ever done to warrant any notoriety?  Frankly, we should be talking about all the larceny he has committed over the year.  Libel over that rape case thirty years ago.   Race baiting and riot provoking in major urban areas.  Paying off seven million dollars in back taxes.   

Meanwhile, this clown is welcome in the White House where our President will entertain anybody that's has...well...the same ears he has. 

So what's the latest nonsense with this jerk?  Well, his daughter (pictured above) sprained her ankle on an uneven NY sidewalk and is now suing the city for five million dollars.

Hmm.  Ace bandages cost about seven bucks.  That's an awfully large mark-up even for CVS Drugs.  Heck, I tore my meniscus on a pothole coming out of a Broadway theater.   I never once thought about putting a million dollar price tag on it.  

Of course, I don't have a father who's looking for any ready cash so he can maintain his business model of....well...getting money for having no discernible talent or capability whatsoever.   


Yes, seriously.

Dinner last night:  Chopped Chinese chicken salad.

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