Tuesday, September 13, 2022

An Open Letter to Any Voters This November


To Whom It May Concern,

I can't say "don't let the above photo happen to you," because it already has.

We are all in the same sinking boat at the moment and life preservers are on order.  But, in the meantime, election day is less than two months away and I would like to offer some unsolicited counsel to all those pulling levers in November.

What prompts me to write this letter.   Well, like you, I have seen my grocery bills go up 75 percent in the last nine months.   It costs me 85 dollars to fill my SUV's gas tank.   And my stock portfolio has lost $100,000 since May.

No one is to blame and we are all to blame.  Our problems are created by those of us who don't do any homework when it comes to electing officials. Unfortunately, people simply look at the letter after the candidate's name....either D or R....and vote accordingly.   No questions asked.

Sorry, folks, that no longer works in this divided day and age.   In 2022, you have to do research.   Find out how the person really feels and thinks.   If they march to their party's talking points, avoid them.   You want a free thinker.

Also do some research on their financial statements.   If a politician has made a lot of money in public service, they are not serving you.   Look no further than the records of the current President.  Or the two former Presidents.   Or the current Speaker of the House.   Or the Senate Majority Leader who has made a fortune off big pharmaceutical companies.

All of the above is easy to find.   But you have to care to look for it.  And, let's face it, you're in hot water whether you're an R or a D.   Because the symbol that should be next to all politicians' names is very distinct.


Yours truly,

The one whose savings are going to hell in a hand basket.

Dinner last night: Hamburger.

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