Thursday, September 8, 2022

What's All This Fuss About Electric Cars?


Let me be clear about this from the get-go.   I don't give a rat's ass about my carbon footprint.  And it's for that reason that I giggled at the state of California's proclamation that everybody will need to be driving electric cars by 2035.

Ha!  If I'm around then, I will worry about the consequences then.  Until that's my middle finger, Governor Newsom.

The edict itself is flawed even before it started.   You have to understand that the California electrical grid, like so many other states, is falling apart.  So one whole day after Newsom made his stupid proclamation, a major heat wave began in Southern California.   There would be hours during the day where you need to conserve energy.   

Oh, and there would be no car charging either.

You see how the government wants to control you in every which way.

Of course, there's another problem currently inherent with all the nifty charging stations around town.

Try to find one that isn't being used by some homeless bum and his hot plate or microwave.

This is all so laughable.  And, oh, by the way, electric cars need lithium batteries and who runs that monopoly?

Pick one from Column A.   Ah-so.

Dinner last night:  Salad.

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