Thursday, September 1, 2022

Moron of the Month - September 2022


First day of the month.   Another moron salute.   And trust me.  They don't come any dumber than this one.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre...a name which I think was a character in "Les Miserables."   A whore who died of syphilus?

I digress.

Ms. Jean-Pierre took over the job from the snarky but competent Jennifer Psaki who is headed for a job at MSNBC where all brainless political pundits wind up.  Now Psaki, as evil as she was, knew her job and did it well.  All White House Press Secretaries have one mission in life.   To make the lies their bosses tell seem plausible.

Out went Psaki.  In came Jean-Pierre.  And you would think that a person entrusted to deal with journalists on a daily basis would have some journalism in her background.

Um, no.   Except if you count political commentary on MSNBC as journalism.  Spoiler alert: it's not.

Karine Jean-Pierre is just another bureaucrat espousing an opinion.   But the really comedic aspect of her White House briefings is the fact that she has zero original thoughts in her head.   Indeed, the first couple of weeks in the job, she would answer questions by reading from a loose leaf binder.   Bob Hope was more ad lib on his Chrysler specials.   Given this talent, Jean-Pierre is going to knock them dead when she gets the inevitable hosting gig on SNL.

So there is a comedy quotient to these briefings that is off the chart.  A person whose role is to disseminate information even though she has none.  But, all giggles aside, there is something inherently insulting about Karine Jean-Pierre in this job.   You see, qualifications were not involved in getting her job.   

On her very first day, Jean-Pierre's first announcement was this.   She was incredibly honored to get this job.   As a Black lesbian.


Two boxes checked.   If she limped, she'd be a hat trick.   All Karine could talk about was how she, as a Black lesbian, crashed through the glass ceiling.  Indeed, she hit it so hard that I bet paramedics needed to be called.

A woman with the right skin color and the right gender and the right sexual preference at the right time.

So what if she's as dumb as a doorknob?

Dinner last night:  Salad.

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