Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dog Day Wednesday

Now where did I put that fallout shelter?

---So, North Korea is blowing up shit. And you thought it was all so innocent when you went into Chinatown every year to buy your Fourth of July cherry bombs?

---I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure I saw that Kim Jong working for KAOS in an episode of Get Smart.

---And it's now official from the picture above: North Korea has their own Golddiggers.

---I doubt they'll shoot anything towards Los Angeles. Too many of their cousins already live here.

---And, of course, why target an area which features your favorite meal? Dodger Dogs.

---I watched President Urkel give a statement on this Korean nonsense and noticed a few isolated gray speckles in his hair. Which means there are a lot of gray speckles in his hair that have already been touched up.

---I say that, in about a year, Obama atarts to look like Benson from the TV show Soap.

---I love when Presidents pick Supreme Court nominees and try to portray them as unbiased, non-political choices.

---Because they are anything but.

---Now we might have the first Latina wearing a black robe. And she's from the Bronx to boot.

---A Hispanic from the Bronx? Yeah, throw a pencil.

---With a Puerto Rican headed to the Supreme Court, there is now no way that an innocent White woman survives this year's parade in New York.

---I wonder how the new Justice rules on groping and raping done by her fellow countrymen.

---This chiquita also went to Cardinal Spellman High School and now I want my friends who went there to dig up the real dirt.

---I want to know that she didn't pay for her Sloppy Joe sandwich during Tuesday lunch period.

---And there's bonus points if her gym shorts weren't clean.

---She is not in touch with the common folk. I don't care how many cockroaches were running around her kitchen.

---All these Justices are an embarrassment. On top sides of the fence. From that professional Oreo Cookie Clarence Thomas to that shriveled-up old harpie Ruth Biddy Ginsburg.

---Let's face it. There is no bigger joke than the Supreme Court.

---Well, maybe one. The United Nations.

---What did that bunch of kooks ever do besides make us kids walk around with orange coin containers on Halloween?

---The way the UN reacted to North Korea, I saw Ricky Ricardo show more muscle when Lucy bought a new hat.

---Quick, anybody! Nancy Pelosi is overseas in China. How do we revoke her passport today???

---If you're a Met fan looking to buy a player's jersey, I am guessing that the last one you want to wear is one that reads "Putz."

Dinner last night: Frankfurters and salad.


Anonymous said...

In Korea and China, the Dodger Dogs are made with dogs. Arf, arf!!

Anonymous said...

Which friends went to Spellman? I am only aware of moi. Sonia was the Valedictorian of my graduating class and ended up marrying another fellow graduate but unfortunately the marriage didn't last.

Len said...


I have some college friends who went to Spellman.

Glad you have a previous connection to a potential Supreme Court Justice. No parking or speeding tickets for you when you're in DC.

But, at the end of the day, she thinks she's smarter than you and I, or so she said several years ago.