Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy Blog Year - 2013

Happy new year!

If this photo doesn't get your bleary eyes open today, nothing will.  It's Hollywood bombshell Marilyn Maxwell and there was likely many a morning where she got to open Bob Hope's pupils as well.   This photo courtesy of a Facebook wall post by Jiminy Glick AKA Martin Short.

So, yes, it is 2013 and another year in Blogland where we celebrate our sixth anniversary in March.  Naturally, the start of a new calendar year heralds new beginnings.  Renewed starts in life.  And, oh, yeah, how do I ditch this person I picked up on New Year's Eve?

But, it's time again to do a little blog housekeeping.  And dive back into daily cyber musings.  

Yes, daily.  Even if it's not really.

At my house on Christmas day, the discussion amongst some celebratory pals meandered over to the topic of "Len Speaks."  One friend remarked.

"I don't know how you write every day."

Before I could respond, another friend jumped in in his parttime role as my official biographer.

"But he doesn't write every day."

Yes, guilty as charged.  Indeed, I do cheat.  Three days of every week are devoted to either videos or photos.  But, they require research nonetheless.  It takes some time to find the funniest police mug shots out there on the internet.

Truth be told, today's piece (as well as last Friday's holiday movie guide) are the only things I have written in the past four weeks.  Anticipating my December trip to New York and the holidays, I essentially pre-wrote the past three weeks of daily entries during the Thanksgiving weekend.  And I did recycle a few holiday pieces.  So, technically, the only daily blog work I performed during the month of December was the actual act of "publishing" a piece every day.  And inputting what I had for dinner the night before.  Yes, I don't plan my nightly meals that far in advance.

But I am back now and ready to go with a renewed vigor and still a half carton of egg nog in my refrigerator.   What you will be seeing in the next few weeks are some reviews of plays, books, and movies I saw or read over a month ago.  So old that they will seem even new to me.  

And, of course, there's the most popular day of the week with regard to blog traffic and page views.  The Sunday Memory Drawer.  I astound even myself that it still exists to this day.  How many more things can I remember from my life?  Well, just when I think I will dip in a ladle and come up dry, something happens or I see something that takes me back to a moment in my time and maybe even yours.

I'm finally going to try something I've been thinking about for some time with this Memory Drawer contraption.  It will be a bit interactive and require the assistance of some friends.  From time to time, I will focus on my friendship with a special person in my life.  I will write about the bond one week.  Then, the very next week, the other person will provide their own account of our relationship.  I've already got two semi-commitments from folks to participate.  And, if you're part of my life and want to be part of this as well, just find me.  Please note.  I don't pay.

What else will wind up on these blog pages?  You got me.  As I've said, my life tends to be an open blog.  There might be one or two major career things that could provide cyber fodder for months.  Yes, I will report it all here.

And, more personally, I'm going to be embarking shortly on another journey that could open up even bigger portals to include here.   I won't say more.  Just know that you will know when the saga begins because it will be right here.

Just like me.  Happy 2013.

Dinner last night:  Grilled chicken at Della Terra.


Anonymous said...

As a regular reader and as someone with an agenda, may I request Carvel stories in 2013?

Unknown said...

I volunteer. And hmmm there is a mystery here about the future. As always there is I suyppose in all our futures.