Tuesday, March 3, 2009

If You Have Questions, I Have Answers

If you can believe this, we are coming up to the second anniversary of this blogosphere journey. March 17, to be specific. A day that is now a lot more famous than for just those drunken Catholic school kids who are throwing up on Fifth Avenue during the St. Patrick's Day parade.

To commemorate my annual benchmark of insanity, I am planning to devote that day's entry to answering some of the questions I have received from you over the past several months. A lot come in via personal e-mails. But, I could use some more. Now is your time to ask me what you've been dying to ask. No questions will be turned away (Okay, some will be). Make them blog-centric and forward them either in the comments section or via e-mail. Or if you would just like to make a statement about something you have read here, please send those along. There will be no censorship (Okay, there will be some). But, overall, I am here to inform, educate, and amuse.

There are no plans to end this daily merriment anytime soon. It's six days after Ash Wednesday so, obviously, I am not giving the blog up for Lent. And I'm hoping you're not either. I can tell from the site counter that some of you are checking very early in the morning to see if I have posted anything yet. God bless you and it might be time to take a long close look at your lives. Just kidding. I appreciate your attention. Actually, I crave it.

There are big doings here over the next several weeks. More sock lint from the Sunday Memory Drawer. A photo essay of my LA home. A photo essay of my church (this will be a lot funnier than it sounds). And, if I can pull it off, I will do a photo essay of one of my crosscountry journeys---from LAX to JFK with snarky comments on all the assholes in between. This might be a little tricky as I'm already thinking about what those flight attendants will be thinking as I take a picture of the idiot in 22H.

And for those of you who are my really biggest fans (I see one, maybe two hands raised), I will publish here in Sunday installments the published essay I wrote last year for that Shea Stadium tribute book. I figure that, if you haven't spent the nineteen bucks yet, you never will.

So, go ahead and ask. And e-mail me. March 17 will be your big day.

Dinner last night: Cervelat on sourdough bread.


Anonymous said...

Photos of plane rides should include everything you eat on the flight and a list of diversions (book, DVD, music). Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Like Who'd give up blogging for Lent?