Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Helen Thomas' First Wednesday Off

But I doubt Ferris Bueller wants to hang with her.

---Thank God and good riddance. This fossil is gone.

---Now there's a new front row seat at White House press conferences.

---And it will be totally usable after they replace the springs. And fumigate.

---You just know Helen doesn't always make it to the bathroom in time.

---Here's somebody who should have been home soaking her feet years ago.

---She probably did her last unbiased reporting when Truman was playing the piano in the White House.

---I'm also guessing that she was regularly stealing sugar packets from the press cafeteria.

---Meanwhile, take another look at this picture. Are these reporters slobs or what? Newspapers thrown under the seat?

---Looks like Dodger Stadium after a 14 inning game. What? No half-eaten tray of nachos?

---And that's perfect for our transition to baseball talk. And an imperfect perfect game.

---You've already heard the hue and cry. Umpire Jim Joyce missed the call on the last out. And the fans booed him like he was an employee of BP.

---Of course, this spurred anew a wail for baseball to bring in more instant replay to the sport.

---Oh, shaddup. That kind of nonsense doesn't belong in baseball. It removes the human element from the game and that's one of the charms it has.

---And won't everybody miss yelling at the umpire?

---If they bring in tape replays and you don't like the end result, why are you going to yell? Kill the Cameraman?

---Sorry. I am a baseball purist. Life is all about making the right decision. And sometimes the wrong one.

---Hey, there's no instant replay available on Election Days.

---And, here's a very special Wednesday Morning Video Laugh. You might have heard that Obummer gave the commencement address at some Michigan high school on Monday. Well, watch the kid behind him.

---My God! That's his prime audience! If he can't keep this kid awake, Michelle might want to start packing now., Michelle. They'll hook you up.

---And now we return you to your regularly scheduled Wednesday rant.

---Watching some of the NBA Finals, I am repulsed all over again by the excessive amount of body ink on these athletes.

---And nothing looks dumber or uglier than a tattoo on a Black guy.

---Why does anybody want to do that to their bodies? Because that extra large tattoo of a cross is going to look more like a triangle when you hit 60.

---Do any of these morons realize that a tattoo is permanent? It's not like you can remove it with some Handi-wipes.

---Meanwhile, as I was watching the NHL Finals...

---Oh, who am I kidding? I wasn't watching the NHL Finals. Tee hee.

---Sorry to confess that I am not one of the 10,000 hockey fans living in America.

---I have a bigger Christmas card mailing list.

---The oil spill continues.

---I know, I know. That's not news.

---Obummer was asked by one of his raggedy kids. "Daddy, did you fix the hole yet?

---How come she didn't ask, "Daddy, did you fix the fence yet?

Dinner last night: Pork confit at Tavern in Brentwood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too funny. An instant classic.

Love that it's a black kid yawning, scratching and snoozing through Obama's telepromptered, inspirational speech. Another lousy speech, Mr. President.

The White House advance team that prepped this event should be fired for not screening the kids better. All they cared about was getting enough black faces behind Obummer. They didn't check to see which kids nod off in class like this bozo does.

One of my favorite facts about black people is their love of sleeping in public--the bus, the airport, the street. I once had a black supervisor who slept at his desk in full view of the room. Blacks are tired from something. It's not work.

Amuse yourself. Keep an eye out for sleeping blacks. They could be anywhere. Even behind the President.