Friday, December 7, 2012

These Mugs Won't Be Home for Christmas

Arrested...and constipated...all at the same time.
From Superhero to Stupid Hero.
Well, the t-shirt is half right.
I guess he did.  Surrender, I mean.
And you thought the only people you found on street corners during the holidays was the Salvation Army.
The incorrect way to use a sippy straw.
"I trust me...and my bail bondsman."
Hey, boys in Cell Block H.  Look who's here to party!!
It took Obama to what??  What???
Oh, my God!  They've arrested Cousin Itt from the Addams Family.

Dinner last night:  Barbecued pork spare ribs at the New York apartment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! Crazier than usual. Where was the helpful hand in a blue glove to hold Cousin Itt's hair out of his eyes? Inquiring minds want to know.