Friday, November 23, 2007

Oprah Has Decided.... go on the campaign trail for that stooge Obama. Frankly, I've been hoping that this sow would hit the road a long time ago. In reality, she is as equipped to add commentary to the political landscape as I am. And I am not.

I have said it many times over in this forum and others. Oprah is the perfect microcosm of the continual dumbing down of America. She holds court for an hour a day in front of a bunch of folks who scream after every sentence that is uttered. She tells them to watch a TV show. They watch a TV show. She tells them to read a book. They run out to Borders and buy the book. The only real difference between Oprah and Adolf Hitler is bad hair and a moustache. And, on certain days, you could argue about the hairdo.

Because she is equally as insane as he was. I've heard from a friend last week who had some colleagues that recently worked on Oprah's daily gabfest. No one on her staff is allowed to look her straight in the eye when speaking to her majesty. Eye contact with Ms. Winfrey is forbidden. You are also told not to address her by name. She might acknowledge you only if she is addressed as "O." You can add to this some of the other horror stories we have all heard over time. That her bio and background prior to fame have been creatively manufactured to accentuate her status as someone who can "connect" with the everyday American woman. That, when she actually was flying commercially, she would call ahead to the airline with a lengthy list of instructions of how she is to be treated on board, including the exclusive use of an African-American flight attendant.

I have a lot of well educated female friends who think Oprah is terrific. They watch her show. They read her magazine. I shake my head in disbelief. Is this all part of her subliminal plan? If so, it is clearly working. Everytime I watch her show for a very specific reason or topic, I come away with less useful information in my head than when the hour started. But, I also don't come away with the notion that this is a woman who is clearly devoted to making anybody's life better, except her own. You'll hear back about how much money O devotes to worthy causes. I will contend that philantrophy is not her goal. It is all about herself every hour of every day.

In a country that is adding on a daily basis to its list of terrorist plots, I am continually shocked to find that Oprah is not one of them. Because, in its truest and most basic form, Oprah is one of the biggest dangers we face moving forward.

Dinner last night: the usual Thanksgiving repast at home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I protest. I love Oprah. I love her magazine. And my IQ is somewhere around 111, which is above average. When I took the test I was tired, though.